Charlie Harvey

Wok Bread Recipe: Its Like Vegan Naan

OK, the title is a bit of a cheat. I invented wok bread when I was on the dole. Signing on was probably one of the most productive times of my life for inventing by the way. It was massively valuable to have the time and space to think and explore ideas. Well anyhow, I was faffing round with chapatti recipes but I was proper hungry and proper skint. So, I had a crack at making something more appealing. It took some perfecting, and I still haven’t found a way to make many of these without the kitchen ending up so full of smoke that it resembles Athens after a demo.

Charlie’s Vegan Wok Bread

Wok Bread Ingredients

  • 1/2 lb plain flour (or self raising and leave out the baking powder).
  • 1 teaspoon of salt
  • 1 teaspoon of baking powder
  • a bit of water, for making a dough
  • 1 tablespoon of oil, for frying


  • Sieve the flour, baking powder and salt into a bowl. You can chuck in spices or herbs if you want to make a swanky flavoured wok bread.
  • Mix water into the bowl, so that you get a solid dough as if you were making pizza dough or bread or something.
  • Put the oil in your wok and start heating it up. You want it as hot as you can make it.
  • Chuck a load of flour onto your worktop and squish the wok bread into a vague circle say 1/2 an inch thick.
  • Put the wok bread into the wok which should now be bastard hot.
  • After a few minutes you can use your mad pancake flipping skillz to flip it over and cook the other side. Once that’s done, so are you!

I like to eat wok bread with marmite and chill flakes, or sometimes with tarka dall. Even salad is good.

2011-08-06 by Charlie.


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