Charlie Harvey


Privacy Statement

Online privacy is extremely important to me and I do my level best to maintain your privacy when you use this site. However, I do collect some data to help me run the site better and to figure out what bits are good and what bits are crap. I never share any information that I collect with anyone, especially with capitalist advertising companies like Google, Yahoo et al.


  • 2011-12-19 Added references to stopforumspam antispam service
  • 2011-08-25 Added references to botscout antispam service.
  • 2011-04-26 Added sections for comments and updates. Minor edit of intro.


This site uses a cookie to store information for my analytics package, piwik (see below) on your computer. You can chose to disable or selectively turn off cookies in your browser settings.


I use Piwik analytics to keep an eye what people look at on this site. Mostly I’m just interested — having some analytics helps me figure out how people use my site (and maybe improve it, no promises though). The data is hosted at I anonymize the last byte of your IP address with the piwik AnonymizeIP plugin. That means that rather than your IP showing as, I would see . In general, the stuff that gets logged is the stuff your browser reveals. You should use a firefox plugin like ghostery if you would rather not reveal such data.

Log Files

As with most other providers, my ISP, domainsrush collects data from its web server log files. The information in the log files include your IP (internet protocol) address, your ISP (internet service provider, such as Virgin media, Be Broadband, BT or Shaw Cable), the browser you used to visit my site (eg. Chrome, Firefox or Epiphany), the time you visited my site and which pages you visited. A public record of aggregated logs is published elsewhere on the interwebs. I don't control that. But I do link to it.

Contact Form

If you use the contact Charlie Harvey form, it will pass on your IP address, your browser string and the page that referred you. That's because people often contact me when I break something and its helpful to me in debugging my code to know those things. Your message goes into my personal email account. It is not encrypted. You may wish to use my gpg key to encrypt any sensitive information which you are sending me (I can't imagine why you would be doing that, though).


If you post a comment, I forward your IP address, user agent and referrer to the Akismet, StopForumSpam and Botscout spam filtering services. Akismet is run by Automattic Inc. You can read their privacy policy on their site. You can read's privacy policy and StopForumSpam's privacy policy on their respective sites. I don't retain this information but I do retain the email address, comment title, comment body, url and user name that you provide. You can post anonymously, but I do require that you provide an email address (its for antispam, and will be used later as a proxy indicator of user uniqueness) and body text. If you don't want to give your email real address you could use a service like mailinator. It'd work better for me if you used the same email address each time, so I had a clearer idea of how many commentors I had, but that may reveal more information about you than you wish to share. I have to ask for a comment body because it would be weird although possibly quite zen to have empty comments!

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  • Be respectful. You may want to read the comment guidelines before posting.
  • You can use Markdown syntax to format your comments. You can only use level 5 and 6 headings.
  • You can add class="your language" to code blocks to help highlight.js highlight them correctly.

Privacy note: This form will forward your IP address, user agent and referrer to the Akismet, StopForumSpam and Botscout spam filtering services. I don’t log these details. Those services will. I do log everything you type into the form. Full privacy statement.