Seven More Languages: Julia day three
The final day of Julia is a lot more challenging than the first 2 — consisting of a larger example of some image processing and a little bit about macros along with some wrap up material and some challenging exercises.Throughout the whole thing Julia struck me as a very usable language. Intu …
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Seven More Languages: Julia day two
Day 2 of Julia takes a wander through control flow, types, concurrency and multiple dispatch. Multiple dispatch is something I have not played with much before, and it seems very useful indeed. It works like overridden methods in OOP. But rather than picking which function to call based on just the …
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Seven More Languages: Julia Day One
Today, I began working on learning a little bit of Julia. On the Julia website, the language is described as an high-level, high-performance dynamic programming language for technical computing, with syntax that is familiar to users of other technical computing environments. Which sounds pretty nice …
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Seven More Languages in Seven Weeks: Introduction
Back in 2011, I took up the challenge of learning Seven Languages in Seven Weeks. The book is Bruce Tate’s tour through seven of the most interesting languages about.I learned about concurrency models, functional programming and the unique qualities of Ruby, Io, Erlang, Scala, Prolog, Co …
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Seven More Languages in Seven Weeks
Back in 2011, I took up the challenge of learning Seven Languages in Seven Weeks. The book is Bruce Tate’s tour through seven of the most interesting languages about. I eventually finished working my way through the exercises and blogging about it in early 2012, almost a year after starting. …
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