Charlie Harvey

Font of the month: LilGrotesk

Lil Grotesk is a nice straightforward sans serif font available under the free software SIL Open Font Licence. And this month it is my font of the month. lilgrotesk typeface

I found Lil Grotesk on Open Font Library, which is in itself a fantastic project. It brings together a collection of hundreds of free software and open source fonts. And you can embed them Google font style with the snippets provided by the site.

LilGrotesk is the work of Bastien Sozeau. The font is available on GitHub as well as in the Open Font Library.

I am a great fan of the nicely cut C and G characters, particularly in upper case. For me the lower case looks a bit wonky, which makes me think that I would be more likely to use the font as a display font in all caps. But I am a stickler for regularity and others may find the slight wobble charming.


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