SSH Tip: Proxy your browser with SSH
I was just now trying to see how the New Internationalist website might look from Canada, to test some GeoIP set up that we’re working on. So I used a trick that I mainly use when I’m browsing the interwebs from public WiFi networks. Given the emergence of tools like Firesheep, whic …
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Video: Turning MP3s back into ones and zeros
I’ve wanted to make some code to turn MP3s back into the ones and zeros from which they are made ever since reading Eben Moglen’s Anarchism Triumphant. In that Moglen says: A CD player is a good example[of a digital device]. Its primary input is a bitstream read from an optical …
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Video: Quick HTML Editing With Vim
This is the minimalistest of minimalist web casts, just to show off the awesomeness of a couple of vim modules for quick html h4x0ring. Specifically Surround and snipMate. w00t! …
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BarnCamp 2010
BarnCamp 2010 was two days of workshops on topics ranging from renewable energy to foraging for food to citizen journalism to using free software for activism, three nights of camping, open space sessions, evening entertainment, great food at Highbury Farm, a beautiful farm co-op high in the Wye Va …
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Dual Head on Debian Squeeze with nouveau and xrandr
I recently got myself a 24-inch monitor. I wanted to keep using my trusty 17 inch as well - to use as a secondary monitor for system monitoring, playing music and other background tasks. There is a closed-source nvidia driver. But I’ll be using the open source nouveau driver (after trying with …
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Space Invaders
You need java here! You can download it at no cost from Sun, who probably have a trademark on java or something. I wrote this for fun and to learn and practicedesign patterns. You can download (tar.bzip2) and use it under the terms of the …
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My Geek Codes
How to tell the world you are a geek, you ask? Use the universal Geek code! Using this special code will allow you to let other un-closeted geeks know who you are in a simple, codified statement... The Universal Geek Code PageSo here's mine.-----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLO …
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Some useful snippets of technobabble, code and such for the discerning geeks and programmers amongst you. …
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