UK Postcode Lookup — My First Drupal7 Module
Update 2012-02-26 I updated this module in a few ways. It now uses the Drupal presave hook rather than the form_alter hook -- meaning that if there is a postcode and no lat/long it will always look up your postcode. That is a much better way to do it in my opinion. I’ve also changed the defau …
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My Drupal Life Aggregator
I have a slightly unhealthy obsession with RSS. Its just simple enough that you can make something in an evening. But just complex enough that the thing could potentially be a bit interesting. So, I set out to learn a bit more about Drupal, especially about theming it. I wan …
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Drupal 7 web server performance shootout: nginx vs Apache
I was interested to see how nginx would play with Drupal 7 and how much performance boost I’d get as compared to Apache . As it turns out an extra ~50 requests a second and a lower overall system load (as measured by top).This is quite a high res screencast (thanks kazam!), so you might …
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