Charlie Harvey

Local weather reports from the commandline

Download/view is a simple commandline tool to get the weather for your town or city. It uses the OpenWeatherMap API to fetch the weather. You give it a city name and an optional longitude/latitide pair (to help disambiguate cities with the same name), and it gives you the latest weather. Simples.

Here are a couple of examples of in action$ ./ kinshasa ================================================================ Weather for Kinshasa (lat:-4.32, long:15.32) ---------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed Oct 17 23:19:37 2012 Temperature: 25.49⁰C (max: 25.85⁰C, min: 24.85⁰C) Air pressure: 977 kPa Wind: 2 mps, 1 degrees Humidity: 89% Cloud cover: 80% Rain: 1 (3h) ================================================================ $ ./ oxford 51 -1 ================================================================ Weather for Oxford (lat:51.75, long:-1.26) ---------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed Oct 17 23:18:15 2012 Temperature: 11.64⁰C (max: 11.85⁰C, min: 10.85⁰C) Air pressure: 996 kPa Wind: 0 mps, 3 degrees Humidity: 97% Cloud cover: 67% Rain: 6 (3h) ================================================================