Charlie Harvey

Daily Mail story generator

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The Mail has learned that chavs are responsible for smoking skunk in the halls of Parliament.

Has the world gone mad? Chavs are smoking skunk in the halls of Parliament with impunity. Hanging is surely too good for these no good scum. Why doesn’t the Government use all the money it has stolen from the hardworking families of Britain in stealth taxes to make amends for the situation. Probably because they are too busy lining their pockets!

The Mail spoke to Jeremy Clarkson, who said "Its the terrorists fault. Watch my eyes. Te-rror-ists. Now I can say anything I like and you’ll think it makes sense somehow. Brilliant. Te-rror-is-ts."

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This page uses the Daily Mail headline code by qwghlm. You’d probably like Dan and Dan’s Daily Mail song on youtube.