Charlie Harvey

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With schools turning out a generation of illiterate hoodlums, crime threatening our every movement and a Government that treats criminals with kid gloves rather than forcibly immasculating them, is it any wonder that, once more Noam Chomsky devotees have been terrorising the elderly residents of a tranquil Gloucestershire village?

What is needed is some very serious discipline. We can beat sense into Noam Chomsky devotees - all it takes is a little British spunk, some backbone and a big stick.

Instead sickos, perverts and communists are allowed to crawl the streets with impunity. Terrorising the elderly residents of a tranquil Gloucestershire village must no longer be tolerated, especially when perpetrated by Noam Chomsky devotees.

Speaking exclusively to the Mail about Noam Chomsky devotees, Some bloke in the pub said "I blame all of this on stealth taxes and permissive education in the 1960s.".

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