Charlie Harvey


424 Blog articles in total, showing 81 to 90

  • Video: esoteric programming languages by TheBreakingBit

    Video: esoteric programming languages by TheBreakingBit cover image

    This recent video by TheBreakingBit amused me. The incredible creativity that has gone into creating languages that ar, let’s face it, a little bit silly is staggering. A favourite effort of mine that is missing from this video is Damian Conway’s fabulous CPAN module Lingua::Romana::Pe

  • Why is Math.max() less than Math.min()?

    Why is Math.max() less than Math.min()? cover image

    A while back I wrote a post called Javascript: the Weird parts primarily for my own amusement. It listed some of my personal favourite wtfjs-type Javascript idiosyncracies. In this post I want to look in more depth at one of those idiosyncracies. I want to investigate exactly why Math.max() is les

  • Review — Healeys Oak Matured Cyder

    Review — Healeys Oak Matured Cyder cover image

    Cornish cider (or should that be cyder?). It isn’t something that I have reviewed much in the past, so I leapt at the chance of acquiring a bottle of this rather classy cider.The producers, Healeys, have been in business for 25 yea

  • Seven More Languages: Elm Day Three

    Seven More Languages: Elm Day Three cover image

    My final day with Elm, at least for now started out a bit challenging. As before, the examples in the book are for elm version 0.13 not 0.14 and there has been enough change that porting the example program across was annoying. But after that, the whole thing became a lot more fun. You see, d

  • Seven More Languages: Elm Day Two

    Seven More Languages: Elm Day Two cover image

    As it turns out quite a lot has changed in Elm between the release in the book and the current 0.14 version. Which made things more challenging than perhaps I may have liked. Still, it has been a good way of getting to know the documentation. Virtue of necessity and all that.You can find a port of

  • Video: Guy Steele’s Growing a Language Talk

    Video: Guy Steele’s Growing a Language Talk cover image

    I recently chanced across a truly wonderful talk by Guy Steele, one of the creators of the Scheme programming language. He gave the talk at the 1998 ACM OOPSLA conference, but it touches on some timeless themes in communicating with computers.The talk focusses on the need for us to build languages

  • Tool: Get thumbnail images for youtube videos

    Tool: Get thumbnail images for youtube videos cover image

    Here is a small tool for grabbing the thumbnail image for a youtube video — something I sometimes need to do and always have to DDG or Google. There is a very helpful StackOverflow answer, which it is straightforward to implement in Javascript (have a look at the source code of the page).Upd

  • Seven More Languages: Elm Day One

    Seven More Languages: Elm Day One cover image

    I am pretty excited about the latest installment of my Seven More Languages journey. Elm is a functional reactive programming (FRP) language with an Haskell-like syntax that compiles to Javascript. The idea is to be able to write in a language with a decent type system and support for FRP, without h