#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # subvert.pl: display your change log from subversion use strict; use CGI qw(:standard ); use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser); # For better error messages my $WORK_DIR='/var/www'; # location of work directory my $start = param('start') || 'BASE'; my $end = param('end') || 'HEAD'; validate(); print header(), start_html({-style=>'/stylesheets/subvert.css',-title=>"SUBVERt"}), h1("SUBVERt: Subversion Log Viewer"); print h2("Showing Revisions From: $start to $end"); print form(); print showlog(); print form(); print end_html(); # validate start and end params sub validate() { for ($start,$end) { next if ($_ eq "BASE" || $_ eq "HEAD" || $_ eq "PREV" || $_ eq "COMMITTED"); $_=~s/[^\d]//gi; } } # builds the submit form sub form() { my $return=""; $return.=start_form({-method=>"post"}); $return.="Search repository from revision: "; $return.=textfield({-name=>"start"},"$start"); $return.="   to revision: "; $return.=textfield({-name=>"end"},"$end"); $return.="     " . submit(-value=>" GO "); $return.=end_form(); return div({-class=>"frm"},$return); } # loop through the log splitting it into entries sub showlog() { my $return=""; my $log = `svn log $WORK_DIR -r $start:$end` ; my @log = split /[-]{10,}/,$log; for (my $i=1;$i<$#log;$i++){ $return.=parse_entry($log[$i]); } return $return; } # parse log entry and give it back as html sub parse_entry() { my @entry = split /\n/,@_[0]; my ($revision,$author,$date,$cmt_length) = split /\|/,$entry[1]; my $return=h3("Revision: $revision
Checked in by: $author
Checked in on: $date
"); $return.=b("Comment: ") . "
	for (my $i=3;$i<=$#entry;$i++) {
\n"; return div({-class=>'entry'},$return); }