#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # script to slurp the folders from a pegasus user into a cyrus imapd maildir. # # Copyright (C)2004 Charlie Harvey # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, # MA 02111-1307, USA. # Also available on line: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html # # # Tech notes # ========== # # Uses 2 other scripts : # peg_folder_hierarchy.pl (for what we can get of the folder hierarchy), # peg_split_and_deliver.pl (splits and delivers mail from a .PMM file) # Also uses the cpan module: # Cyrus::IMAP::Admin # Usage: cyr_add.pl user_to_add mail_dir password # # The mail_dir should be a standard pegasus mail user directory, with a hierarch.pm # file and .PMM mail folders. # # You could use randpass for the password, but if you do make a note of it. # # Fanx # ==== # Original script by amram@manhattanprojects.com && tom@tomster.org, was one to import a # *nix mail hierarchy. use strict; use Cyrus::IMAP::Admin; # Config bits my $cyrus_server = "localhost"; my $cyrus_user = "cyrus"; my $cyrus_pass = "PASSWORD"; # Quota is 250 Megs my $quota_size = 250*1024; my $mechanism = "login"; # these set from argv[] my ($newuser,$newdir,$newpasswd); # grab our commandline args... if (!$ARGV[2]) { die "Usage: $0 user_to_add mail_dir password\n"; } else { $newuser = "$ARGV[0]"; $newdir = "$ARGV[1]"; $newdir=~s/\/$//; $newpasswd = "$ARGV[2]"; } my $cyrus = Cyrus::IMAP::Admin->new($cyrus_server); $cyrus->authenticate($mechanism,'imap','',$cyrus_user,'0','10000',$cyrus_pass); # Create a mailbox for our new user, and set the ACLS up for it. sub createMailbox { my ($user, $subfolder) = @_; my $mailbox; if ($subfolder eq "INBOX") { $mailbox = "user/". $user; } else { $mailbox = "user/". $user ."/". $subfolder; } $cyrus->create($mailbox); if ($cyrus->error) { print STDERR "Error: ", $mailbox," ", $cyrus->error, "\n"; } else { print "Created Mailbox: $mailbox \n"; } $cyrus->setaclmailbox("$mailbox",'cyrus','all'); if ($cyrus->error) { print STDERR "Error: ", $mailbox," ", $cyrus->error, "\n"; } else { print "Setting ACL: $mailbox cyrus all \n"; } $cyrus->setaclmailbox("$mailbox",'everyone','post'); if ($cyrus->error) { print STDERR "Error: ", $mailbox," ", $cyrus->error, "\n"; } else { print "Setting ACL: $mailbox everyone post \n"; } } # Set your quota (see top of script for $quota_size param) sub setQuota { my ($user) = @_; my $mailbox = "user/". $user; $cyrus->setquota($mailbox,"STORAGE",$quota_size); if ($cyrus->error) { print STDERR "Error: ", $mailbox," ", $cyrus->error, "\n"; } else { print "Setting Quota: $mailbox at $quota_size \n"; } } # set up a default IMAP.PM module in pegasus account # this is based on a limited understanding of the IMAP.PM format # which I interpret thus (?==dunno what this does): # profile_name, session?, server_address, server_port, user_name, ?, password_crypted, timeout, inbox_refresh, ?, ?, ?, always_connect, trash_behaviour # \r\nProfile-ID: [profile-id] sub IMAPdotPM() { open (OUT,">$newdir/IMAP.PM") || warn ("Unable to set up pegasus :0("); print OUT "Profile: \"$newuser\_on_oahu\"," . '123,"",993,' . "\"$newuser\",18626," . '"","",5,600,2,"","",1,"Trash"' . "\r\nProfile-ID: 1000"; close OUT; `chmod 777 $newdir/IMAP.PM`; print "IMAP.PM written for: $newuser\n"; } # set pegasus up to use oahu for smtp # you need to have a template smtp file here. sub SMTPsetup() { # copy template accross my $template_dir = "/home/mailusers"; my $template_file = "oahu.PND"; system ("cp -pf $template_dir/$template_file $newdir"); # read pmail.ini file open(IN, "$newdir/pmail.ini") || warn ("Couldn't find pmail.ini for $newuser"); my @pmail_ini = ; close IN; # backup pmail.ini file open (BAK, ">$newdir/pmail.ini.migration.bak") || warn ("Can't create backup pmail.ini for $newuser"); foreach (@pmail_ini) { print BAK $_; } close BAK; # rewrite pmail.ini file open (OUT, ">$newdir/pmail.ini") || warn ("Can't create backup pmail.ini for $newuser"); foreach (@pmail_ini) { if ($_=~/^Internet E-mail Address/) { print OUT "SMTP definition\t\t\t = $template_file\r\n"; } print OUT $_; } close OUT; print "Pegasus SMTP completed for: $newuser\n"; } ######################################## # Let's go.... print "Adding User: ", $newuser, "\n"; createMailbox($newuser,'INBOX'); foreach( `peg_folder_hierarchy.pl $newdir/HIERARCH.PM`) { chomp $_; my ($folfile,$folname)=split /:\t/,$_; $folname=~s/[&]+/_and_/g; # we don't want ampersands. $folname=~s/[\s\-]+/_/g; # ... or odd space strings. $folname=~s/_$//; # ... or trailing _s. createMailbox($newuser,$folname); my $migrate_mail = `peg_split_and_deliver.pl "$newdir/$folfile.PMM" "user/$newuser/$folname"`; print "$migrate_mail"; } # Set quota for user setQuota($newuser); # Set up password for user. system "echo ". $newpasswd ." > .saslpass.tmp"; system "saslpasswd2 -p $newuser < .saslpass.tmp"; print "Generated Password: Completed \n"; unlink(".saslpass.tmp"); # Set up pegasus to connect to the new account print "Setting up pegasus account for $newuser\n"; IMAPdotPM(); #SMTPsetup(); # That should be our lot print "Added User: ", $newuser, "\n"; ########################################################################################################