March 2012 Reading
I picked this up at the Unlike Us conference in Amsterdam. It is a solid critique of the political economy of capitalist tech of the wired type. His dismantling of the Free Culture movement is useful and perceptive.2012-03-17 by Charlie …
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February 2012 Reading
It isn’t exactly news that I am a big fan of Stephenson. Snow Crash is an older book, written very much in the cyberpunk style. Lots of virtual reality and futuristic dystopia. But done entertainingly and combining those themes with some intelligent …
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January 2012 Reading
I’m not a typography nerd. Got it? Well, OK, perhaps I am. A bit. Nerds and non-nerds alike will enjoy Lupton’s wonderful book. It manages to be entertaining and informative without feeling too didactic. The coverage of the history of …
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2012 Reading
Here’s all the books that I read in 2012, by month. On the each month's page there’s quick review or synopsis of each book. …
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July 2011 Reading
Parecon is an interesting and thoughtful answer to the but what do you want question that anticapitalists are always asked. I got occasionally annoyed at its often rather simplistic, homespun style. It kind of reminded me of Berkman's ABC o …
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February 2011 Reading
Turing's 1936 paper on Computable Numbers, with an Application to the Entscheidungsproblem is something of a geek classic, introducing important concepts like the Universal Turing Machine. I’m no mathemetician even though I r …
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2011 Reading
Here’s a list of books I read in 2011, by month. On the monthly page there’s quick review or synopsis of each book.Update 2011-02-25 I’ve realised that this page was going to get ridiculous by the end of the year, so I’ve split my reading lists up by month.Update …
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January 2011 Reading
This is a frankly awesome critique of the (mid-90s) left’s ’master’ narritive of totalised global capitalism. The books central insights are gleaned …
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I’ve noticed a few different people publishing lists of the books that they're reading on their blogs. Always one to follow the crowd, expecially when managing my online profile, I thought I should do the same. Here goes. …
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