Thunderbird/Icedove sort order and delete order on Debian Squeeze
Its true. By default Icedove (that’s Thunderbird to non-Debianists) puts the newest emails at the bottom of the message list. This is wrong and evil (I may be exaggerating). It took me a while to find the proper solution and then a bit longer to figure out I needed to delete the .msf …
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Debian Tip: Get a list of all installed packages with dpkg
I like to make sure that I always have a listing of all the files I have on my Debian boxen. Fortunately dpkg has a quick way of doing just that. # dpkg --get-selections > /path/to/mybackup.txt I run that once a day or so as a cron job dumping to a file, that file will be in my usual rsync backup. …
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Video: FeedMash — A Perl/Catalyst RSS Masher—Upper and Twitter&mdash
Update 2011-01-31: Well, life got in the way of getting this out in January, let’s see if it will come out in Feb! I’m currently coding a project using the Catalyst Framework. The project is called feedmash and is partly inspired by paper.li along with the UK Indymedia agg …
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SSH Tip: Proxy your browser with SSH
I was just now trying to see how the New Internationalist website might look from Canada, to test some GeoIP set up that we’re working on. So I used a trick that I mainly use when I’m browsing the interwebs from public WiFi networks. Given the emergence of tools like Firesheep, whic …
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Flickr API and Grabbing Wedding Photos From A Group
My lovely friends Danny and Jess got married recently. I took some photos and so did lots of other people. So we put them all in a flickr group. But they wanted to get hold of everyone's pics to print or whatever. Problem. For some reason flickr have seen fit to disable the API key for the one to …
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