Iceweasel/Firefox 4 or 5 on Debian Squeeze
I don't know if you heard about it but Fabrice Bellard recently made a Javascript PC emulator that could boot a full linux with emacs and vi and even a c compiler. Which is insane. I wanted to check it out, but the core Iceweasel on Debian Squeeze (3.5) isn't up to the job, Fabrice has coded it t …
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Io — Day Two
Wow. Day two messed with my head. I woke up a bit tired this morning to have a crack at it and got really baffled by how to make a fibonacci sequence. Just drew a total blank. So, I dug out some old c code I had and copied that into io. Which is sort of cheating, but got me going and also helped …
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Io — Day One
After getting Io installed, I am feeling a little smug with myself. I don't know if its just because the language is so different, or because I’ve had a beer or what but the Io introductory material seems more complex than that for Ruby. However, looking back at what was covered I suspect tha …
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Io — Day 0, setting it up on Debian
Well, it has been a while since Ruby, so I thought it was time to have a crack at the next of the my Seven Languages In Seven Weeks challenges, its time to play with Io. As it turns out Io was a bit of a faff to install on Debian Squeeze. So I’ve written up a day 0 tute on how to do just th …
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Ettercap remote_browser Plugin Fun
I’ve just spent some serious time getting Ettercap's remote_browser plugin to work as expected on my home network. The plugin allows you to view the pages that another user on your network is browsing. What actually made the difference in the end was changing the argument ordering. For once d …
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HOWTO: Kazam ScreenCast Software on Dual Screen Debian Squeeze
Let’s start out by saying that there’s nowt wrong with gtkRecordMyDesktop as a screencasting tool. But it is a little old in the tooth, and perhaps suffers from an overly complex UI. So, I was interested to read Introducing a screencaster called Kazam, by andrew@thisblog, an ins …
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Thunderbird/Icedove sort order and delete order on Debian Squeeze
Its true. By default Icedove (that’s Thunderbird to non-Debianists) puts the newest emails at the bottom of the message list. This is wrong and evil (I may be exaggerating). It took me a while to find the proper solution and then a bit longer to figure out I needed to delete the .msf …
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Debian Tip: Get a list of all installed packages with dpkg
I like to make sure that I always have a listing of all the files I have on my Debian boxen. Fortunately dpkg has a quick way of doing just that. # dpkg --get-selections > /path/to/mybackup.txt I run that once a day or so as a cron job dumping to a file, that file will be in my usual rsync backup. …
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Debian Tip: Get Adobe Air working on 64—bit Squeeze
Lots of people seem to want to develop applications on the decidedly unfree Adobe Air platform. They provide a .deb for 32 bit systems but not for 64 bit systems. I wanted to check out some software from the dark side, and took a while to suss out what the provided deb needed to make it run …
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Dual Head on Debian Squeeze with nouveau and xrandr
I recently got myself a 24-inch monitor. I wanted to keep using my trusty 17 inch as well - to use as a secondary monitor for system monitoring, playing music and other background tasks. There is a closed-source nvidia driver. But I’ll be using the open source nouveau driver (after trying with …
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