Clojure — Day Two
Today’s excercises seemed a little more straightforward than in previous languages. I may be simply getting brainier, of course. I doubt that. It is something of a lightning tour that we take through Clojure; a lot of stuff gets covered in a little time. The chapter covers recursion, incl …
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Clojure — Day One
There's been a brief hiatus in my Clojure week. Mostly due to me being knackered after some hardcore work days. In the last instalment I got my basic VimClojure environment set up. After that particular mission Day One’s excercises seemed almost trivial. I expect things to become more diffi …
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Clojure — Day Zero: VimClojure on Debian Squeeze
I spent quite a while trying to save time on getting a nice Clojure development setup working on my Debian Squeeze box. As it turned out I should have spent some extra moments doing the right thing rather than hoping a quick hack would work. Here's my notes on how to get VimClojure working on Squee …
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Erlang — Day Three
Its the last day of 2011, the yuletide festivities are over and I am on a mission to get Erlang wrapped. Today's installment focussed on concurrency, message processing, some of the Erlang's process monitoring, and IPC. It was all a bit boggling for me. But sort of cool. The excercises introduced m …
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Erlang — Day Two
Erlang day two wasn't quite as swearing free as Erlang day one. You see I tend to swear when I’m stuck or baffled by syntax. And I git stuck a bit on the bonus problem. Turns out that putting []s round my variable made everything turn out nice. Who knew?Day two looks at branching, anony …
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Erlang — Day One
Bruce Tate introduces Erlang as making hard things easy and easy things hard. Which isn't entirely fair I guess, given that the things it makes hard are hard for good reason. Mutability is hard, but something to be avoided in concurrent systems, which is the area where Erlang's sweet spot is loca …
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UK Postcode Lookup — My First Drupal7 Module
Update 2012-02-26 I updated this module in a few ways. It now uses the Drupal presave hook rather than the form_alter hook -- meaning that if there is a postcode and no lat/long it will always look up your postcode. That is a much better way to do it in my opinion. I’ve also changed the defau …
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Visualising RSS feeds with Perl and GraphViz::Data::Grapher
The slider requires javascript. Trying to load it now... $('#slider').flickrshow({ autoplay:true, interval:5000, set:'72157626958402918' }); A few weeks back I was browsing round Perlmonks as is my wont, when I came across planetscape's post How can I …
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Sack Boris 2012: Ruling class flim—flam—nonsense maker
I was chuffed to learn that the folks at Common People had been able to use the code I wrote for the What will George Osborne Cut Next random cut generator into a Boris Johnson flim-flam answer generator. You ask Boris a question and he talks errant ruling class nonsense. Just like the real thi …
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My Drupal Life Aggregator
I have a slightly unhealthy obsession with RSS. Its just simple enough that you can make something in an evening. But just complex enough that the thing could potentially be a bit interesting. So, I set out to learn a bit more about Drupal, especially about theming it. I wan …
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