Charlie Harvey

Tool: Twitter RSS Feed Getter

Update: Now this uses my new tool. Please donate and keep online.

What’s this?

Love it or loathe it, it looks like Twitter is likely to remain an important part of the infrastructure of the interwebs for some time. Back in August 2010, Twitter removed RSS feeds from people's profile pages. They haven't dropped RSS support altogether, just hidden it in the API. Now, I am a big fan of RSS. Its a sort of lingua franca for the web. I don't want to have to look up the correct API calls just to see a feed of someone's tweets. Hence this tool, which fetches the RSS feed for a particular Twitter user. Type the username, hit submit and you're done. The with_replies feature is discussed in the comments. You can copy and paste the URL you're sent to should you need to add it to your feed reader.


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