Charlie Harvey


424 Blog articles in total, showing 11 to 20

  • Au revoir Twitterfeed. Bonjour RSSTwit.

    Au revoir Twitterfeed. Bonjour RSSTwit. cover image

    A few weeks ago, I received an email from Twitterfeed’s founder, a chap called Mario. In unnecessarily jolly prose, it announced the demise of the service which turned RSS feeds into Tweets and recommended moving to or Buffer. We’re writing to let you know that Twitterfeed wi

  • October 2016 Reading

    October 2016 Reading cover image

    Blood Meridian (or The Evening Redness in the West) is a sort of literary slasher set in a mythical version of the Old West. If you can get past the grisly ultraviolence and cast of socio/psychopathic characters, there is a powerful story and

  • Using Tor for apt package management on Debian

    Using Tor for apt package management on Debian cover image

    Recently, the Debian project announced that they intend to make more of their services available as Tor hidden services. They have added a new package to the repositories making it easy to use Tor hidden services when using apt to upgrade packages.Tor is software that allows better anonymity when

  • September 2016 reading

    September 2016 reading cover image

    I can’t resist a bargain. Paying 60p for a book with a 1 pound sticker on the front does, I believe, constitute a bargain. The text, dating from 1990 is actually a pretty solid PL introduction and fairly compre

  • August 2016 Reading

    August 2016 Reading cover image

    I have wanted to read some of DFW’s stuff ever since sending one of my blog posts through I Write Like and discovering that our styles were statistically similar. Having read this collection of essays, I am rather chuffed at the

  • FLOSSUK Reviews: ES6 and MySQL/MariaDB

    FLOSSUK Reviews: ES6 and MySQL/MariaDB cover image

    Back in May, FLOSSUK published a couple of reviews that I had written in their newsletter. Reviewing books is a pleasant way to expand one’s technical horizons, especially for a confirmed bibliophile like me.The books I reviewed were You don’t know JS: ES 6 and Beyond, by Kyle Simpson

  • Get an RSS feed of a Twitter search Get an RSS feed of a Twitter search cover image

    One of the things that people often ask me to add to is support for generating an RSS feed from a Twitter search. In fact some of the code that I originally used to build it was targetted at achieving exactly that objective. I am now working 90% time at my day job, so I had a rare after

  • Servant: REST APIs as types

    Servant: REST APIs as types cover image

    In recent months, have been slowly working my way through Brian P. Hogan’s 57 Exercises for Programmers in Haskell in my lunch breaks and on bus journeys. You can see the github repo if you’re interested.As I work my way through the exercises, I have been trying to use idiomatic Hask

  • The pipeline operator

    The pipeline operator cover image

    One of the cool things about the Elixir language is that you can string functions together from left to right using the so-called pipeline operator |>. I was thinking about it this morning after reading this comment from taylorfausak on reddit. Why flip everything around like that? Write expr

  • July 2016 Reading

    July 2016 Reading cover image

    An Oxfam treat, this. S?awomir Mro?ek’s 1957 collection of ultra-short stories are bizarre and compelling. From elephants made from rubber to save money, to a world of tiny people that live in a drawer, Mro?ek is satirical and surreal in e