424 Blog articles in total, showing 111 to 120
Review — Crossman’s prime farmhouse cider
My pal Mike got hold of a 10 litre box of Crossman’s prime farmhouse cider for me a while back. I am only now getting round to reviewing it. My tardiness may perhaps be related to having a such large supply of cider …
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Review — Chucklehead Dry Cider
My colleague Pete recently got hold of some Chucklehead cider from the interwebs. He kindly shared a bottle with me so that I could have a try. Chucklehead is a Devon cider, made by Michael and Liz Dinnage on their small family farm near Tiverton since 1 …
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Saturday at the 2014 Logan Symposium: my highights
On Saturday at the Barbican in London I attended the 2014 Logan symposium — a conference that was intended to bring together key figures in the fight against invasive surveillance and secrecy. The idea was to build alliances between progressive cyber-activists, hackers and journalists. Speaker …
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December 2014 Reading
This was a fantastic book. It very much reminded me of Dostoyevsky. The basic plot is about a mathemetician who is on the verge of making a theoretical breakthrough. Suddenly all sorts of distractions appear in his life, and it is the s …
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November 2014 Reading
Given that this is a book from Yale University press, I would have expected it to be more scholarly, by which I mean I suppose hard to read. As it turns out it is a lightweight, very readable romp through Goldman’s lif …
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Rebuilding in javascript with YQL and Data URIs
When I last posted anything about, I was complaining that I was getting a million requests a month. I am now getting over 2 million requests a day. Today I am pubicly announcing a (very alpha) Javascript version in the hope that it will help some of the thousands of folk using TwitRSS.m …
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Font of the month: LilGrotesk
Lil Grotesk is a nice straightforward sans serif font available under the free software SIL Open Font Licence. And this month it is my font of the month.I found Lil Grotesk on Open Font Library, which is in itself a fantastic project. It brings together a collection of hundreds of free software a …
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Quick tip: Making Gandi SHA-2 certificates work with all browsers
At newint we are working our way through our SSL/TLS certificates to make sure they are all signed with SHA2 algorithim, rather than SHA1, which is starting to show its age. We use Gandi as our certificate provider. As you can see, they have very recently started issuing SHA2 certificates if you …
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Solved: Icedove/Davical CalDAV events disappear after reloading
A while back I upgraded Icedove/Thunderbird on some of my machines. Since then I have been able to add events to my calendar, but they have been disappearing on reload. It has been doing my nut in a bit, so I have written up the issue in case others hit the same problem.The problem …
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October 2014 Reading
I had been meaning to pick up Silver’s paean to the virtues of Bayesian statistics for some time and found it on discount at WHSmiths. It is thoroughly entertaining and manages to hop from baseball stats to climate change, poker and globa …
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